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Mike Deagle smiling with his kids while wearing a "Best Dad Ever" pin.

#1: Why talking about grief and loss (not just when someone dies) really matters.

And where to begin without freaking out your friends and family — and yourself.

"By not talking about death, we’re making the monster under the bed scarier."

Sue Deagle on her 50th birthday, standing at the water's edge of a crystal clear bay, overlooking the mountains of Patagonia.

#3: What are we actually afraid of?

Why dissecting our fears around death & dying is key to living a better life.

"It turns out many of us fear something more than dying — we fear not living."

#5: Demystifying the griever's mind.

How stepping into the grieving mind allows us to be with others in the midst of their human experience… and our own.

"Sometimes grievers face their loss head on, and sometimes they need a break… which is actually the crucial work of evolving into their new life in disguise."

The Luminist lighthouse in sky blue

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This is a moving and rich episode that is not to be missed, particularly if you have lost someone dear, but also if you’re someone like me, who thinks deeply about the existential quandaries of this human life and has questions about how to process it all.

~ EMMA TEITEL, Women Today podcast
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Of folks brave enough to ask even death for tips to a better life.

Further Reading

Grief taught me to see the magic in the “ordinary”. Let me show you an easier way.

It’s about you… but it’s also bigger than you.

How I’ve learned to let transformation unfold… rather than it being an uphill struggle.

What we can learn from a Hall-of-Fame football veteran about leaving a legacy.

How stepping (or being shoved) off the hamster wheel helps us reclaim our sense of possibility.

The epic power of our hearts to take loss and turn it into even more love.

Releasing the myths of avoidance and isolation.

Console better, suffer less, and live a more vibrant life.

The Luminist lighthouse in sky blue